Thursday, April 16, 2020

What did you do for your Unimog today?

Note to admins: This is a popular thread on other car forums, but I didn't see one here (and I did search). If there is one, please direct me to it Last weekend I sandblasted a skid plate I recently bought. This poor thing had been through hell, with about 6 different coats of paint on it, hammer and grinding marks, etc. I was painting it satin black; the first coat was on and it looked beautiful, so I started putting on a second coat from a fresh rattle-can, but it just would not... What did you do for your Unimog today?
Note to admins: This is a popular thread on other car forums, but I didn't see one here (and I did search). If there is one, please direct me to it

Last weekend I sandblasted a skid plate I recently bought. This poor thing had been through hell, with about 6 different coats of paint on it, hammer and grinding marks, etc. I was painting it satin black; the first coat was on and it looked beautiful, so I started putting on a second coat from a fresh rattle-can, but it just would not...

What did you do for your Unimog today?

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