Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Noisy antenna

Just picked up my '97 SL 500 anniversary model, and after getting some mechanical things sorted, I've moved on the smaller issues. The power antenna seems unusually loud going up and down (at least, louder than I think it should be on a car of this caliber 😅). Just how audible should it be? I don't mind taking it apart and cleaning/lubricating if needed, but don't want to make more work for myself 😊.
Just picked up my '97 SL 500 anniversary model, and after getting some mechanical things sorted, I've moved on the smaller issues. The power antenna seems unusually loud going up and down (at least, louder than I think it should be on a car of this caliber 😅). Just how audible should it be? I don't mind taking it apart and cleaning/lubricating if needed, but don't want to make more work for myself 😊.

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