Monday, April 13, 2020

2010-2020 BMW 128i Diagnostic and Repair Information


2EFF – P14C0

Information saved in


Fault code

2EFF – P14C0

2010-2020 BMW 128i Convertible (E88) L6-3.0L (N51) WWW.168MOTIVE.COM Page 233

Fault text

Electric fan, self-diagnosis

Fault description

Fan Mechanical or Hardware Defect

Condition for fault identification

Test condition:

PWM > 10%

Terminal condition: Terminal 15 ON

Voltage condition:

Voltage in onboard electrical system > 10 V

Condition for fault memory entry

200 sec.

Action in service

1. Disconnect plug from fan assembly. (otherwise there is an

injury hazard)

2. The fan moves freely

Check and remove any foreign objects.

–> Fan is mechanically seized: Replace fan –> Fan blades

turn freely: Reconnect plug and use tester to activate fan at

least 15 %.

–> Fan should start.

–> Fan fails to start running: Replace fan assembly

Fault effect and breakdown warning