Sunday, October 30, 2022

More fuel pump woes - Noise!

Hello, I recently serviced my CLK320 and decided to include a new fuel filter, as the old one was fitted at manufacture and 20 years is a long time. Many swear words later, Ryco filter is installed but then the fuel pump whinges like a stuck pig. Painful to the ears. I spoke to my tame mechanic, and he advised that the change in back pressure caused by the new filter can highlight problems with the pump. I chose a Bosch pump as I did not want to go through this procedure more than once... More fuel pump woes - Noise!

I recently serviced my CLK320 and decided to include a new fuel filter, as the old one was fitted at manufacture and 20 years is a long time.

Many swear words later, Ryco filter is installed but then the fuel pump whinges like a stuck pig. Painful to the ears. I spoke to my tame mechanic, and he advised that the change in back pressure caused by the new filter can highlight problems with the pump.

I chose a Bosch pump as I did not want to go through this procedure more than once...

More fuel pump woes - Noise!

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