Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Yet another suspension surprise

Hello! So tonight was backing up in my backyard and heard some strange noises from rear of the car. Opened the window and listened to the noise. Noise is coming from rear axle, driver side. You can replicate the noise if you back up few centimeters and slam on the brakes. It is that hidious creaking sound. Sounds like something is about to fall off. Inspected my rear suspension last week, everything was good there. I think that could be brake related...? Or does it sound like failing... Yet another suspension surprise

So tonight was backing up in my backyard and heard some strange noises from rear of the car. Opened the window and listened to the noise.

Noise is coming from rear axle, driver side. You can replicate the noise if you back up few centimeters and slam on the brakes. It is that hidious creaking sound. Sounds like something is about to fall off. Inspected my rear suspension last week, everything was good there.

I think that could be brake related...? Or does it sound like failing...

Yet another suspension surprise

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