I was thinking about having some maintenance done on my M119 when I do the wiring harness (still 1-2 years away as it is still "good" (if not touched))
I was looking for the most common problems with M119 but was unable to find any that would be really deadly (like throwing a rod, burnt pistons), common suggestion is to change the timing chain - hmmm, anybody ever seen a broken one on this engine? I have only seen one on M117 (and that engine is said to be prone to failure because of...
Is M119 immortal?
I was looking for the most common problems with M119 but was unable to find any that would be really deadly (like throwing a rod, burnt pistons), common suggestion is to change the timing chain - hmmm, anybody ever seen a broken one on this engine? I have only seen one on M117 (and that engine is said to be prone to failure because of...
Is M119 immortal?
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