Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Recirculation Pods Hold Vacuum - but not at testing solenoid

Since I pulled out my center console I decided I'd investigate my lack of footwell air. I got a MighyVac and disconnected the elbows on the solenoid switch and pulled a vacuum. Stations 7,6,5, and 4 held a vacuum (and I could hear the pods actuate for some - some pods would actuate just once). Station 3 didn't hold a vacuum. I pulled the pod out and tested it, and that held true. Stations 1 and 2 did not hold a vacuum. I pulled both of the recirculation vacuum pods and tested them outside... Recirculation Pods Hold Vacuum - but not at testing solenoid
Since I pulled out my center console I decided I'd investigate my lack of footwell air. I got a MighyVac and disconnected the elbows on the solenoid switch and pulled a vacuum. Stations 7,6,5, and 4 held a vacuum (and I could hear the pods actuate for some - some pods would actuate just once). Station 3 didn't hold a vacuum. I pulled the pod out and tested it, and that held true. Stations 1 and 2 did not hold a vacuum. I pulled both of the recirculation vacuum pods and tested them outside...

Recirculation Pods Hold Vacuum - but not at testing solenoid

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