Tuesday, February 28, 2023

560SEL Stalling After 1 Minute

Hello, I have a 1988 560SEL with 158,000 miles that is stalling after about a minute. Here is what happens: The car starts up fine, but then after about a minute, the economy gauge starts to creep into the red zone, the idle becomes progressively rough, and by the time the economy gauge is almost completely to the right, the engine finally dies, unless I keep pushing down on the gas pedal. If I take my foot off the gas, the car stalls out. If I restart the car, it starts up fine again... 560SEL Stalling After 1 Minute
Hello, I have a 1988 560SEL with 158,000 miles that is stalling after about a minute. Here is what happens: The car starts up fine, but then after about a minute, the economy gauge starts to creep into the red zone, the idle becomes progressively rough, and by the time the economy gauge is almost completely to the right, the engine finally dies, unless I keep pushing down on the gas pedal. If I take my foot off the gas, the car stalls out. If I restart the car, it starts up fine again...

560SEL Stalling After 1 Minute

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