Tuesday, January 31, 2023

722.6 transfer case rebuild kit?

Hi folks, I just replaced my OG transfer case which failed due to using red transmission fluid after about 20K miles with a used one. FWIW there is a lot of bad information out there regarding transfer case fluids. In any case, I replaced it with this used one that had 60K miles on it, which after driving in -20*F temps two days ago, started to leak. It also had been "moaning" when it was cold at around 35-45 mph unitl it warmed up. Frustrating. In any case, I want to rebuild the... 722.6 transfer case rebuild kit?
Hi folks, I just replaced my OG transfer case which failed due to using red transmission fluid after about 20K miles with a used one. FWIW there is a lot of bad information out there regarding transfer case fluids. In any case, I replaced it with this used one that had 60K miles on it, which after driving in -20*F temps two days ago, started to leak. It also had been "moaning" when it was cold at around 35-45 mph unitl it warmed up. Frustrating. In any case, I want to rebuild the...

722.6 transfer case rebuild kit?

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