Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Can not fully fill up gas tank on 07 s550

My gas tank does not get filled up for more than 75% of gas tank's capacity; I have to "manually" re pump every time the hose head pops off because it thinks fuel tank is full . Anyone had this issue before? Very annoying. I have read something about charcoal filter? If this is the culprit how much should I except if I take it to a local mechanic. Also, how bad is this issue can it become worse or should I just live with it LoL.
My gas tank does not get filled up for more than 75% of gas tank's capacity; I have to "manually" re pump every time the hose head pops off because it thinks fuel tank is full . Anyone had this issue before? Very annoying. I have read something about charcoal filter? If this is the culprit how much should I except if I take it to a local mechanic. Also, how bad is this issue can it become worse or should I just live with it LoL.

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