Saturday, April 30, 2022

Normal engine temp gauge reading?

I think my engine temperature gauge is now at a different position when the engine is hot then where it had been for the last three years. I thought it used to hang out just below the gauge mid point (around 70 C). But now when hot it moves to 90 C. No where near the red zone but I want to be preemptive if a problem is brewing. This is local or interstate driving. Can anyone share their normal warm engine temp reading? Thanks!
I think my engine temperature gauge is now at a different position when the engine is hot then where it had been for the last three years. I thought it used to hang out just below the gauge mid point (around 70 C). But now when hot it moves to 90 C. No where near the red zone but I want to be preemptive if a problem is brewing. This is local or interstate driving.

Can anyone share their normal warm engine temp reading? Thanks!

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