Monday, November 29, 2021

Chain Guard Inspection Result

In different thread dewispew wrote that he purchased a cheap endoscope to see if his new 380 had a double chain. In addition to confirming the he had a double, the pics showed a nice clean tan chain guide. I followed dewispew's idea and bought an endoscope, I knew that my 84 had a double chain, but until a moment ago I did not know the condition of the guards. I've looked at the passenger side upper guide and unfortunately it is deep maroon in color. I seem to... Chain Guard Inspection Result
In different thread dewispew wrote that he purchased a cheap endoscope to see if his new 380 had a double chain. In addition to confirming the he had a double, the pics showed a nice clean tan chain guide. I followed dewispew's idea and bought an endoscope, I knew that my 84 had a double chain, but until a moment ago I did not know the condition of the guards. I've looked at the passenger side upper guide and unfortunately it is deep maroon in color. I seem to...

Chain Guard Inspection Result

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