Sunday, October 31, 2021

Rear reclining seat question

Team, I removed my rear seat to replace rear shocks. I noticed there are green inserts in the seat frame that the pins slide into. Unfortunately, heat and age have made them brittle. The pin/seat rattles. This is on a 560SEl with reclining rear bench. I have looked at can't seem to fine the part number for these inserts. Can anyone offer a part number or any ideas in the event they are not available?

I removed my rear seat to replace rear shocks. I noticed there are green inserts in the seat frame that the pins slide into. Unfortunately, heat and age have made them brittle. The pin/seat rattles. This is on a 560SEl with reclining rear bench. I have looked at can't seem to fine the part number for these inserts.

Can anyone offer a part number or any ideas in the event they are not available?

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