Thursday, September 30, 2021

DC Airmatic rear suspension

Hello Just wondering how do I identify if I have at the rear the air suspension Airmatic fitted from the interior? .The manual shows some option at gear selector adjusting the lewel manually or automatic on 3 levels. I don't have them or does only have the sport version these options?I thought that every estate has this system at the there a check light by turn the ignition on ? Cheers Ingo j

Just wondering how do I identify if I have at the rear the air suspension Airmatic fitted
from the interior? .The manual shows some option at gear selector adjusting the lewel manually or automatic on 3 levels. I don't have them or does only have the sport version these options?I thought that every estate has this system at the there a check light by turn the ignition on ?

Cheers Ingo j

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