Saturday, July 31, 2021

Shimmy, again

I posted this as a question to a moderator I have spoken offline about this with, but I have not heard back from him, so I will post to the general forum. I will also link to the old discussion, but do not get bogged down in it - a lot of the info is obsolete now for my purposes, as I discovered there were several shimmies being caused by multiple things. It has pretty much settled down into one consistent set of behaviors this year. It's either the driveshaft or the trans, and with the... Shimmy, again
I posted this as a question to a moderator I have spoken offline about this with, but I have not heard back from him, so I will post to the general forum. I will also link to the old discussion, but do not get bogged down in it - a lot of the info is obsolete now for my purposes, as I discovered there were several shimmies being caused by multiple things. It has pretty much settled down into one consistent set of behaviors this year. It's either the driveshaft or the trans, and with the...

Shimmy, again

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