Friday, April 30, 2021

Fuel screen removal

The fuel screen on my 88 560 did not come out as I removed the pump supply line As I was hoping. Of course the opening in the floor to the tank is not lined up enough to get a socket on the screen either. Has anyone come up with a bolt and jam nut/washer solution to get the screen out? I saw that Ken Berigsman (sp) is selling something similar but would like to get this job done without having to wait any further something to get shipped to me. Thanks
The fuel screen on my 88 560 did not come out as I removed the pump supply line As I was hoping. Of course the opening in the floor to the tank is not lined up enough to get a socket on the screen either. Has anyone come up with a bolt and jam nut/washer solution to get the screen out? I saw that Ken Berigsman (sp) is selling something similar but would like to get this job done without having to wait any further something to get shipped to me.


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