Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Behind The Climate Control Panel

Working on a project I needed to remove the climate control panel - seems like I have finally opened a can of worms with my car. Three issues: 1. Bare wire coming from behind the glovebox. It's two-core, green and black. I know it's a long-shot but does anyone recognize what this might be for? 2. Two-pole connector not plugged into anything. It has two brown wires going into it - so two grounds in a single connector? Any ideas what this is for? 3. There is a black plastic ledge that the... Behind The Climate Control Panel
Working on a project I needed to remove the climate control panel - seems like I have finally opened a can of worms with my car. Three issues:

1. Bare wire coming from behind the glovebox. It's two-core, green and black. I know it's a long-shot but does anyone recognize what this might be for?

2. Two-pole connector not plugged into anything. It has two brown wires going into it - so two grounds in a single connector? Any ideas what this is for?

3. There is a black plastic ledge that the...

Behind The Climate Control Panel

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