Saturday, September 30, 2023

Down & dirty intake mod

Factory air boxes are often pretty good, but Subby & others have pointed out that the snorkel/muffler on our 230 inlet pipe (yellow arrows ) is even smaller than the ID of the air box inlet (red arrows ). On top of that, the nice, large air filer element extends into the incoming air path (orange arrow ) a good bit more than this photo depicts, so even if you remove the snorkel the inlet is still occluded. At best, the 2.5" ID of the air box inlet would offer 4.91 square... Down & dirty intake mod
Factory air boxes are often pretty good, but Subby & others have pointed out that the snorkel/muffler on our 230 inlet pipe (yellow arrows) is even smaller than the ID of the air box inlet (red arrows). On top of that, the nice, large air filer element extends into the incoming air path (orange arrow) a good bit more than this photo depicts, so even if you remove the snorkel the inlet is still occluded.

At best, the 2.5" ID of the air box inlet would offer 4.91 square...

Down & dirty intake mod

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