Wednesday, August 30, 2023

560 SEC stalling

My '89 560SEC (116K) started to stall, randomly. Took it to a Mercedes shop (not dealer) and they replaced the gas chip (??) at a cost of over $900. Now it's not stalling but if I attempt to restart it after 30 minutes to 2-3 hours after a drive I have a hard time to drive it from the parked position. Upon restart car starts running rough, then stalls when I put it in drive mode and step on gas. Mechanic said to use non-ethanol gas. This is my 4th tank (at $5.30/gallon!) and it still... 560 SEC stalling
My '89 560SEC (116K) started to stall, randomly. Took it to a Mercedes shop (not dealer) and they replaced the gas chip (??) at a cost of over $900. Now it's not stalling but if I attempt to restart it after 30 minutes to 2-3 hours after a drive I have a hard time to drive it from the parked position. Upon restart car starts running rough, then stalls when I put it in drive mode and step on gas. Mechanic said to use non-ethanol gas. This is my 4th tank (at $5.30/gallon!) and it still...

560 SEC stalling

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