Thursday, March 30, 2023

New UK 1972 350SL owner....what have I done,?!

Saying hi and hello to all. Not quite sure how it happened but I seem to have acquired a red 72 350SL. Very pretty but with some issues so expect questions lol! I really didn't do much googling for parts availability beforehand - I now know local garage knowledge is low and the Djet seems to strike the fear of god into them. Anyway, summer is coming and I need to get the old gal 100% for a road trip in July. Fingers crossed!
Saying hi and hello to all.

Not quite sure how it happened but I seem to have acquired a red 72 350SL.

Very pretty but with some issues so expect questions lol! I really didn't do much googling for parts availability beforehand - I now know local garage knowledge is low and the Djet seems to strike the fear of god into them.

Anyway, summer is coming and I need to get the old gal 100% for a road trip in July. Fingers crossed!

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