Saturday, April 30, 2022

AC Still Crazy after all these Days

please note that I'm a beginner! I need one step at a time instructions lol! AC system converted a few months ago. Almost all AC system is new: compressor, rec drier, belts, hoses, aluminum hose pressure checked, aux fan is new, switches and servos to the gates/doors working. Condenser is not new but was told operable. Compressor unmistakingly comes on/off when asked. If the temp outside is cool, I get cool AC air. The warmer is gets ouside, the less cool the AC. Then, it was 100 last week... AC Still Crazy after all these Days
please note that I'm a beginner! I need one step at a time instructions lol!

AC system converted a few months ago. Almost all AC system is new: compressor, rec drier, belts, hoses, aluminum hose pressure checked, aux fan is new, switches and servos to the gates/doors working. Condenser is not new but was told operable.
Compressor unmistakingly comes on/off when asked. If the temp outside is cool, I get cool AC air. The warmer is gets ouside, the less cool the AC. Then, it was 100 last week...

AC Still Crazy after all these Days

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