Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Fuel door drain tube.

2000 S430 fuel door drain is clogged. Purchased a nice old MB in great shape and has a few minor problems. This one I partialy caused myself. 1. Little drain tube inside the gas cap area was clogged. Went to ream it out various ways. A. Tried 12 in plastic cable tie. B. 110 psi air nozel. C. 12 gauge wire with plastic outer sheeting left long, easy on the drain tube. Result, pushed the drain tube into body cavity. Little amount of gas overflow now stinking up my interior... Fuel door drain tube.
2000 S430 fuel door drain is clogged.
Purchased a nice old MB in great shape and has a few minor problems.
This one I partialy caused myself.
1. Little drain tube inside the gas cap area was clogged.
Went to ream it out various ways.
A. Tried 12 in plastic cable tie.
B. 110 psi air nozel.
C. 12 gauge wire with plastic outer sheeting left long, easy on the drain tube.
Result, pushed the drain tube into body cavity. Little amount of gas overflow now stinking up my interior...

Fuel door drain tube.

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