Monday, January 31, 2022

Windshields Not Available

Just got back from my windshield installer, front windshields (at least non MB) are not available for my 1997. They get their windshields from Pilkington and some other generic sounding warehouse. No deal. Covid related shortage, apparently. I did not ask about the non-sensor version, which could potentially be installed in a pinch possibly, but this is pure speculation and not something I would do unless the existing windshield was cracked. As is, the windshield is passable, I just... Windshields Not Available
Just got back from my windshield installer, front windshields (at least non MB) are not available for my 1997. They get their windshields from Pilkington and some other generic sounding warehouse. No deal. Covid related shortage, apparently. I did not ask about the non-sensor version, which could potentially be installed in a pinch possibly, but this is pure speculation and not something I would do unless the existing windshield was cracked. As is, the windshield is passable, I just...

Windshields Not Available

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