Monday, August 30, 2021

R500 Rear Tail Light Failure -- Magically fixed

The other night I went to head out in a light rain, upon startup I get the message that my right rear tail light is out and that Left & Right auxillary bulbs are now burning. First of all...burnt out bulb is not that disconcerning, having auxillary bulbs is cool!!!, but today, start it up...bulb is fine, no messages on the dash. Bulb magically fixed???? Bad connection, rain affecting connection? Filament flopping around touching sometimes and sometimes not? I am going to pull the bulbs... R500 Rear Tail Light Failure -- Magically fixed
The other night I went to head out in a light rain, upon startup I get the message that my right rear tail light is out and that Left & Right auxillary bulbs are now burning. First of all...burnt out bulb is not that disconcerning, having auxillary bulbs is cool!!!, but today, start it up...bulb is fine, no messages on the dash. Bulb magically fixed???? Bad connection, rain affecting connection? Filament flopping around touching sometimes and sometimes not? I am going to pull the bulbs...

R500 Rear Tail Light Failure -- Magically fixed

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