Monday, November 30, 2020

Rust filled 380sec, what would you do?

I recently did a foolish thing and bought a car from interstate without inspecting it. I had high hopes of restoring it during lockdown to give my life some kind of purpose. When it arrived I found the Rust was much worse than advertised. I took it to a friends work shop in regional Victoria (australia) and his boss explained that unless I had a spare 20k, this wasn't going to happen. He said that I could make my money back potentially, but the dream was over. 'I paid $5450 AUD, my question... Rust filled 380sec, what would you do?
I recently did a foolish thing and bought a car from interstate without inspecting it. I had high hopes of restoring it during lockdown to give my life some kind of purpose. When it arrived I found the Rust was much worse than advertised. I took it to a friends work shop in regional Victoria (australia) and his boss explained that unless I had a spare 20k, this wasn't going to happen. He said that I could make my money back potentially, but the dream was over.
'I paid $5450 AUD, my question...

Rust filled 380sec, what would you do?

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