Monday, November 30, 2020

240d to 300 turbo

Has anyone put a 300 turbo into a 240 d car. I have a 1977. 240d that lacks a transmission/driveshaft/engine. I recently bought a 1985. 300 turbo diesel(CA). Was wondering what obstacles I am looking at and which ones can be avoided. Would be willing to purchase a 240d(616) engine and tranny if anyone has one. Thanks
Has anyone put a 300 turbo into a 240 d car. I have a 1977. 240d that lacks a transmission/driveshaft/engine. I recently bought a 1985. 300 turbo diesel(CA). Was wondering what obstacles I am looking at and which ones can be avoided. Would be willing to purchase a 240d(616) engine and tranny if anyone has one. Thanks

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