Saturday, October 31, 2020

Changed cam oiler tubes on M119

Changed right bank plastic oiler tubes on 97 R129 today. Not a difficult job, took time to make sure everything was clean before re-assembly. 3 of 8 tubes were blown out. Also changed timing chain tension assembly. Sincere thanks to all who have gone before and provided pics and info. Had watched a video where one guy had to press hard to get aluminum oilers in head. The original plastic oilers were easy to remove. The aluminum oilers from an older M119 with new O-rings were easy... Changed cam oiler tubes on M119
Changed right bank plastic oiler tubes on 97 R129 today.
Not a difficult job, took time to make sure everything was clean before re-assembly.

3 of 8 tubes were blown out.
Also changed timing chain tension assembly.

Sincere thanks to all who have gone before and provided pics and info.

Had watched a video where one guy had to press hard to get aluminum oilers in head.
The original plastic oilers were easy to remove.
The aluminum oilers from an older M119 with new O-rings were easy...

Changed cam oiler tubes on M119

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