Monday, April 13, 2020

2010-2020 BMW 128i Diagnostic and Repair Information


2E7C – P16C6

Information saved in


Fault code

2E7C – P16C6

Fault text

Bit-serial data interface, signal

Fault description

CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface)

Condition for fault identification

Test condition:

BSD bus monitor

Terminal condition: Terminal 15 ON

Voltage condition:

Terminal 87 >10.0 V

Condition for fault memory entry

Via event counter.

Total failure between BSD bus and all components (water

pump, oil sensor, alternator, battery sensor over

approximately 3 sec.

Action in service

1. Disconnect all BSD_components (alternator, battery

sensor, water pump) except for the oil sensor. Clear fault

memory. Ignition off/on. If fault code is stored again: QLT

2010-2020 BMW 128i Convertible (E88) L6-3.0L (N51) WWW.168MOTIVE.COM Page 239

is defective and must be replaced. Repeat test.

2. If fault code is entered again after QLT replacement: ->

Check wiring harness (BSD_BUS) and all plug-in

connections for corrosion and shorts to ground/UBatt.

3. If fault code no longer appears after QLT replacement: ->

QLT was defective.

4. If no fault code is stored after all components (except

QLT, as in 1.) are disconnected: -> The fault lies with one of

the other BSD_components. Now connect the water pump

and clear all fault memories, ignition off/on.

5. If no fault code is entered now, with the water pumpand

QLT connected -> Connect alternator.

6. If no fault code is stored with water pump, QLT and

alternator connected -> Connect battery sensor.

7. If the system now operates with all BSD components, and

no fault has been detected, recheck the plug connections in

the wiring harness and at the components for good contact /


Fault effect and breakdown warning

Driver information

Warning light:

No oil level display/no oil temperature display available.

Service interval calculations for next visit are based on

model. Water pump runs at 100 % cooling capacity and

draws continuous current of approximately 15A.

Power management fails to operate correctly because it is

not possible to read battery sensor.